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News about the Path of Peabiru

Writer's picture: Dakila NewsDakila News

Dakila Pesquisas, under the visionary leadership of entrepreneur and scientist Urandir Fernandes de Oliveira, is a think tank dedicated to producing science based on field research and referenced scientific evidence since the 1980s. Among its various fields of study, it has been seeking to map the famous Path of Peabiru, the most important pre-Columbian transcontinental road in the Americas, connecting peoples, territories, and oceans.

Known as Peabiru, the "land road," the path to the center of the Earth, the road of the Incas, and various other names, these routes cut across the South American continent and interconnect, creating a road with numerous branches.

Just as it has many names, Peabiru also carries various meanings, such as the path that was trodden, the sacred path, the path leading to the mountain of the sun, the path without evil, among others.

In the most traditional stories, this path was believed to have been constructed by indigenous peoples. However, through research, it has been possible to identify the first great civilization on Earth, known as the Muril, around 450 million years ago, where they began their spread and constructions. It all began here in Brazil, and the capital of this great civilization was in the Amazon, from where all these roads emanated, not only on the surface but also underground.

The Murils were world builders; they arrived in regions to map and carry out many constructions, primarily based on stone. They mapped everything based on the Earth's magnetic grid, which also corresponds to the electromagnetic grid surrounding the Earth.

According to Dakila Pesquisas, the energy vortices present in this magnetic grid at various points on Earth connected the electromagnetic field, allowing people, groups of workers, and those who walked and flew over the Earth to meet, serving as a map to reach the realms scattered throughout the world.

Many wise individuals from the past, beings of high intellectual stature, walked and sought these places to find knowledge and relics left by other peoples in the various bases created in different parts of the Earth. "Everything we find in very ancient stone constructions that people say were built by Europeans were, in fact, the Murils interconnecting the Path of Peabiru that led to the Amazon," explains Rafael Hungria, a researcher on Dakila's team.

Recreating the Path of Peabiru: An Epic Challenge

Dakila's researchers have embarked on an unparalleled mission to map lost cities not only in the Amazon but along the entire Brazilian coast and in the forest. The goal is to recreate the Path of Peabiru and reveal hidden cities in South America. "Understanding this path is understanding our past and preparing our future," says Urandir Fernandes.

Much has already been discovered, but there is much more to uncover. Ancient civilizations and lost cities are at the heart of modern explorations, which now make use of various resources to aid historians and researchers. Dakila is utilizing the most advanced technology in the world to discover and reveal information about historical periods that have remained entirely unexplored by humanity.

Preliminary research has already found promising traces of the Peabiru route in Santa Catarina, the Paraná coast, and São Paulo. Now, leveraging cutting-edge technology previously used to confirm the existence of Ratanabá in the Amazon, Dakila Pesquisas promises to reconstruct history, bringing to light a legacy of science and wisdom never before unveiled.

The exploration, as Urandir Fernandes explains, arises from the need to expand horizons and understand origins from a scientific approach devoid of prejudice, relying on irrefutable evidence from field experiences. "Lost cities and ancient civilizations are the focus of modern explorations, and Dakila is leading this."

Soon, Dakila will present new evidence of the routes of the Path of Peabiru and unknown civilizations. This is a milestone that reminds us that there is always more to discover, a reminder to keep our eyes on the evidence, as Urandir reveals.

At this moment, Dakila Pesquisas invites us to embark on an epic journey of discovery, a quest for the past that promises to illuminate the future. With advanced technology, unwavering dedication, and a determination to unveil the secrets of our history, they are ready to leave a monumental legacy for humanity, a gift for future generations eager to know our history and origins. As the journey unfolds, Dakila reminds us of the importance of science and the relentless pursuit of truth, free from stereotypes or limiting beliefs.


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